About BZZN What is BZZN?
About BZZN

Omni-channel marketing & ecommerce

What is BZZN?

BZZN (pronounced Buzzin') connects vendors with affiliates to amplify their message.

For vendors, BZZN aggregates influencers in their market, provides an all-in-one marketing tool to easily create and track affiliate campaigns, and provides a customizable ecommerce shop with mobile money integration to sell products online.

For influencers BZZN provides a tool to earn by easily discovering, sharing and tracking affiliate campaigns, especially from vendors within their market of influence.

How does BZZN work?

Using the app, vendors can post campaigns to the BZZN platform defining their goals and a budget. Affiliates can then select which campaigns they want to promote, and share the campaign via the communication channels of their choice. Campaigns are served to affiliates by relevance, factoring in location, sector and other demographics. Affiliates and vendors both have a tool to import and sort their contacts into category lists which allows them to target ads to specific audiences without client-side tracking. Vendors also have the ability to share their campaigns to their contacts via social media, email and sms directly through the app without the use of affiliates. Using the app, vendors are able to track campaign progress, and affiliates are able to track the results of their activities.

Services we offer

BZZN BZZN is an invaluable efficiency driver for vendors because we consolidate multiple tools. With the BZZN app, vendors are able to create an online shop, launch an ad campaign for items in that shop, serve it to affiliates, share it through multiple channels with a few clicks, and track the progress of their campaign. Our services include:

  • Affiliate network marketing
  • SMS marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Call marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • Campaign analytics
  • Mobile money payment processing
  • Contact list management
  • Ecommerce shop


Vendors must create a monthly budget which will be applied to the cost of their campaigns. Three budget plans are available: US$10 for 1 month, US$48 for 6 months, and US$72 for 12 months. To launch a campaign, vendors must spend a minimum budget of US$2 for views, emails, sms messages, or calls. For campaigns, vendors are charged at a rate of 0.8 cents per view, 0.2 cents per email, 15 cents per sms, 50 cents per call and 5% per sale.