Affiliates Overview

Hyper-local marketing for impact


Our affiliates help our customers reach their target audience through campaigns. To achieve this they leverage their networks across multiple channels including social media, SMS, email, and audio-calls. Human networks are a potent marketing tool because they leverage the power of word-of-mouth and personal recommendations. This can be highly influential in shaping purchasing decisions, building credibility and increasing value.

BZZN BZZN gamifies the user experience for influencers using a point-based competition integrated into the user interface. Points are rewarded for meeting daily quotas for shares, emails and sms. Points are rewarded for passing preset thresholds of views, clicks, signups and sales. The affiliate with the most points within a certain market wins a cash prize at the end of each month.

Commission rates

For campaigns, vendors are charged at a rate of 0.8 cents per view, 0.2 cents per email, 15 cents per sms, 50 cents per call and 5% per sale. Affiliates receive a 35% share of income from campaign views, emails, sms, calls and sales.

Commission guidelines

The following guidelines are used to assess affiliate activity when calculating commissions.

  • The first purchase a customer makes in a 30-day window after going to a vendor shop from a campaign link is credited to the relevant affiliate.
  • A customer does not need to purchase the item associated with the campaign link that brought them to a vendor shop for the commission to apply.
  • After a customer purchases any item at a vendor shop the commission expires. The affiliate gets no credit after the first purchase, even if still within the 30-day window.
  • If the same customer goes to a vendor shop from a second affiliate link, the first affiliate gets no credit. The second affiliate now gets 30 days to make the sale.
  • If a customer puts an item in their vendor shopping cart, the affiliate will be credited for that item if the purchase is completed within 90 days.
  • Affiliate or family and friends purchases are excluded from generating commissions.

How activity is tracked

BZZN utilizes server-to-server link tracking using transaction IDs to identify affiliate activity and calculate commissions. To track sales, the platform is integrated into our vendors’ e-commerce stores using plugins for common platforms such as WordPress and Shopify.

How affiliates are paid

Affiliates earnings are accumulated during the course of each month and deposited into their in-app wallet on the first day of the following month. Affiliates can withdraw funds from their in-app wallet at any time via mobile money. Due to technical limitations we are unable to send payments for less than $1, therefore all pending withdrawals less than $1 will be refunded to affiliates in-app wallets.

Penalties for fraud

BZZN monitors affiliate activites and applies penalties to accounts with unusual activity based on a range of criteria. Some data points considered include clickthrough rate, click point ratio, geographic region, IP addresses and browsers. Penalties are applied on a ongoing basis and last until the end of each month. If an affiliate account is found to be deliquent for several months it may be permanently suspended.

How to become an affiliate

There is currently a wait-list to become a BZZN Affiliate. To become an affiliate, download the BZZN Affiliate app and sign up to apply. We'll send you a notification when your account is activated.